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Prenatal Consultation -
We will go over and discuss
Medical history
Previous Breastfeeding experience or concerns
Feeding plan (returning to work, school, pumping)
Basic breastfeeding information
Hand expressing and colostrum harvesting information and demonstration
ADD on to Prenatal consultation
Breastfeeding Class -$100
Childbirth class- $150
My goal is to help you feel confident in your ability to feed your baby and help develop a personalized plan

Lactation Consultations
In Office Visit
* Your health insurance may cover up to 6 consultations. Check your insurance by going to the INSURANCE FOR LACTATION SERVICES TAB.
What to Expect
Initial consultation
Review Birth and complete assessment
Baby weight check
We will create a plan that will work for you and your Family
Report to take to your Medical Provider
1-week f/up phone/ text email support
Packages (3rd trimester booking)
Prenatal consultation, breastfeeding class, and first postpartum Home Visit Consultation - $ 300 ($50 nonrefundable booking fee)
Postpartum consult and 3 f/ups (all home visits) - $350
Prenatal consultation and first Home visit postpartum consult -$250
*Prenatal Consultation, Doula preparing your body for birth, and phone postpartum consult- $300 ($50 nonrefundable booking fee)

Doula-Preparing your body for birth (3rd trimester)
Starting at 36 weeks, 1x a week balance your body by doing hip rotations on a birth ball, side lying release, and other techniques.
Walking with purpose in a nearby park or safe neighborhood. $250

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